My blog on mathematics,higher education and the physical scienced,movies,comic books,food,liberal politics,ethics,dating and anything else that my omniscient brain ruminates on that day.This is the companion blog to my major website, TULOOMATH, where you can give yourself a PhD in mathematics. Don't believe me? Check it out at you read and comment on my deep thoughts,of course............
Major changes coming to this blog and it's newborn brethren very shortly as I prepare to once again man the ramparts of The Wall, as Winter is Here.
But for now-I have a major announcement to make for all mathematics students and professors-one I'm extraordinarily proud of and hope to make a name for myself soon doing.
In republishing this lost classic, I've righted a great Wrong-and hope to restore many more lost classics to the canon of mathematics textbooks at an affordable price.
Buy this book, spread the word, rinse,repeat.
Until my major announcement-May The Forces of Evil Develop A Major Allergy to Your Private Parts For The Duration of Your Life.
Createspace Pbk: $ 13.99 USD
Kindle E-Book Version: $9.99 USD
Some Reviews:
"Writtenbythehandofamasterinaniceandpleasantstyle,itishighlyrecommendedtoallthoseinterestedinthestudyof differential calculus......Inconclusion,awonderfulgeometrical(coordinate-free)introductiontothesubject."-M.Puta (Timişoara), Zentralblatt MATH
"……the book consists of two parts….. the first exposes the
differential calculus in Banach spaces, and the ordinary
differential equations. The second part develops, again on open
sets in Banach spaces, the calculus of exterior forms, their
integration in the finite dimensional case, and applications to
variational calculus and to the differential geometry a la Eli
Cartan of curves and surfaces in Euclidean space. In short, it is
an excellent modem textbook on advanced analysis put in a non-
standard form."- I. Weisman, Zentralblatt MATH
"Cartan’s work provides an excellent text for an undergraduate course in advanced calculus, but at the same time, it furnishes the reader with an excellent foundation for global and nonlinear algebra." – Mathematical Review
“Brilliantly successful.” – Bulletin de l’Association des
Professeurs de Mathematiques
“The presentation is precise and detailed, the style lucid and
almost conversational……clearly, an outstanding text and
work of reference.” –Annales
AboutCartan's Cours de calcul différentiel
Cartan's unique text has been reissued after nearly a half a century. It's the 1st half of the English translation of Cartan’s famous Cours de calcul différentiel, given by the author at the University of Paris at the height of the Bourbaki movement in mathematics education.
Bourbaki-the remarkable school of abstraction which the author helped co-found and popularize in Europe!
The 1st text's republication in a cheap edition finally makes readily available again the English translation of both long separated halves of Cartan’s famous 1965-6 analysis course at The University of Paris. The 2nd half has been in print for over a decade as Differential Forms, published by Dover Books. Without the 1st half, it has been verydifficult for readers of that 2nd half to have the proper prerequisites. Consequently,this publication finally makes the entire course available again as Cartan originally intended!
At the time of its publication, this presentation represented the height of rigor and abstract in a calculus course for talented students. It’s like no other text on calculus/analysis at any level you’ll find anywhere.
What distinguishes Cartan’s course presented in this text & its sequel that they present careful calculus on Banach spaces.
Cartan's approach over normed instead of metric spaces has the main advantage of a unified theory of functions of one and several variables. For example, there is a single definition of a derivative as a linear transformation between subspaces of a Banach space. The needed vector space structure is already present. It doesn’t have to be added ad hoc as in the case of metric spaces. Special cases, such as partial derivatives and Taylor’s theorem, are derived as needed.
As the title indicates, this text focuses solely on the foundations of differential calculus on Banach spaces. The integral calculus is developed in the sequel.
Some Topics Covered In The Text:
·Linear algebra and topology in abstract normed spaces
· Multilinear continuous functions via the exterior product
·The Frechet derivative as a linear transformation
·The General Mean Value And Inverse Function Theorems
·Taylor’s formula and higher order derivatives
·General existence and uniqueness theorems for linear homogeneous and nonhomogeneous ordinary differential equations
·Connection between solution spaces for partial differential equations and systems of ordinary differential equations
……and much more!
Prerequisites For The Course
The prerequisites for this text are:
1)A rigorous first course in calculus/ elementary analysis using the ɛ-δ definitions of convergence and limits on the real line,
2)A careful course in linear algebra on abstract vector spaces with norms and linear transformations as well as fluency with matrix computations and
3) A basic computational course in differential equations. Also:
4) A knowledge of the computational aspects of multivariable calculus will also be needed for some parts of the book. The basic definitions of topology (metric and topological spaces, open and closed sets, etc.) will be needed as well.
New Features Of The 2017 Edition
A new, detailed preface has been added
by the publisher to provide historical
context and educational perspective on the
text’s approach and structure as well as the
author’s intentions. Further, a detailed
bibliography has been added comparing
and contrasting Cartan’s book(s) to the
current standard analysis texts at this level.
He also offers detailed suggestions for how
it/they can be used by modern students as
either main text(s) or as inexpensive
supplements for a standard text like Rudin.
With both texts now available at very affordable prices, the entire course can now be easily obtained and studied as it was originally intended for a new generation of mathematics students and teachers of analysis! This classic and its sequel can now be used and studied easily and should become standard analysis texts now for university students and teachers!